嘟嘴自拍、“下巴夹鸡蛋”式自拍的风潮事后,喜晒一族又开启了“晒脚自拍”期间。晒脚自拍有各式版块:赤脚在沙滩上的调教 小说,好像,像画家相同把当季正流行的好意思鞋和地砖图案皆集起来……况兼,焦躁的是,这种自拍不会像庸俗自拍那样显得很自恋。
Selfeet refers to a photo of one’s shoes or one’s bare feet. 晒脚自拍指的是一个东说念主一稔鞋好像光着脚的脚部自拍。
Shoefies (sometimes also referred to as “selfeet”) have become a growing form of downward selfie for the Instagram set among the shoe-gazing and footwear-obsessed — and perhaps those too shy for a full-on self-portrait. 晒脚自拍(英文中称为shoefies好像selfeet)还是成为外洋鄙俗媒体Instagram上的新风潮,尤其是在那些对脚部和鞋子千里醉调教 小说,好像是那些很害羞不肯自拍全身的东说念主群中杰出风靡。
"I took a selfeet at Waikiki Beach to make my friends jealous." “我在维基基海滩晒脚自拍,让一又友们忌妒去吧。”
日本人妖(中国日报网英语点津 yaning)
调教 小说